Friday, September 27, 2024

Planning Task 6: Content Pages

 In my contents pages that shall go along with my main front covers including the exclusives of both Bryson Tiller as well as Hannah Laing who are both huge names in the industry of music in the genres of Rn B as well as Hannah who is more in the genre of House/Techno. i have specifically used these 2 mainly on my two front covers as they are both from different social groups e.g. Bryson being male and Hannah being female. on my contents pages which shall link into these two featuring them both with an exclusive interview, i shall also feature different content plugs  on the contents page for example being;
- main news stories headlining different artists e.g. celeb gossip
- music stars featured as well in the music magazine being featured  
- pages ........ - providing different hints and a preview as to news stories and exclusive information on these pages. these shall include for example comedic and political stories.
- the feature of new and upcoming new music stars to promote and give them chances of the audience getting the feel and deciding if this music taste is for them or isn't.
- 10 best new songs in charts this month


Edition number 1 - feature of Bryson Tiller

in this edition of the contents page, i shall use the main image as being a photo i recently took when i personally went to the concert of Bryson tiller.

color pallet - on the contents pager i shall use the color fonts as pink to align against my dominant image which shall appear at the bottom of my contents page (shown as orange on cover however it will be pink)

this image shall draw to the audiences eyes as the direct gaze in my rule of thirds. The audience shall be drawn to this as it shall Aline to the colors as well featured allowing the consumers eyes to gravitate their eyes onto the images featured within the contents page.

mock up 1- this is my mock up which shall go along with my first edition of my newspaper mainly including the genres of Rn B.

- image based at the bottom shall be rectangular and will feature alongside the top 10 hottest hits this month.

- upcoming artists which i shall also include and feature within my magazine: 

- Beyonce
- Rhianna
- Max Dean 
- Josh Baker

sneak previews to the page where they can find out more info - hints to the readers into wanting to read on and see what the celebrity gossip or news stories there are currently in our society.

mock up 2 - This is my second mock up of my newspaper which shall be my second edition of my newspaper featuring DJ star Hannah Laing (Ella).

content plugs: 

- introduction of newly introduced artists into the industry.
- using new upcoming artists makes young students who may study music, feel empowered by there own music which they are creating. Emphasizing to the consumers at this age group of students, they should get out there and release their own productions.

exclusives featured - giving the audience the chance to exclusive content makes the magazine as a whole stand out from the rest. If they are offering different and more unique content to other different magazines, those who want to know more will be more drawn to wanting to read on when seeing the hints into what is going to be on the newspaper.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

planning task 5: mock up of covers 1 and 2

 These are my first two mock up covers of both my magazine covers. 

for my first front cover it will feature my main image being of Bryson tiller the Rn B artist singing through the mic. this shall be a full body image where i will also offer the exclusive interview with him to interest my audience who enjoy Rn B music. However it shall also offer the option inside as well as those who are interested in Rn b to continue with the same genres throughout to keep my audience pleased. 

as well as my first front cover, my second front cover shall feature my main image including a close up shot of the DJ Hannah Laing. it shall feature her wearing headphones emphasizing and hinting to the audience that this is a DJ well as this, i shall have featured different types of house music as well such as Rn B to suit to a wide variety.

Friday, September 6, 2024

planning task 4: front cover layout and content


Main Cover line:

i have chosen these main cover lines when designing my magazine as they hit the demographics which i am trying to aim towards my audience of 16-25 year old . Between these age ranges, they shall be interested in things such as concerts and raves so i shall promote different opportunities to my audience  and provide them with social activities to do as well as this. 

the first cover line 'feel the beat: the ultimate guide to house and Rn B music' aims towards those at the age of students, college students and university students etc. Overall, from the data which i have gathered and from those which i have used for my survey i am able to appeal and make my magazine an attraction to these teens/early year adults. 

Page Furniture:

on the front page of my magazine, i shall try to attract to both of the different music genres being Rn B as well as house. i shall use different music artists for example

- Chris Stussy
- Pawsa
- Bryson Tiller 
- Sonny Fodera
- Frank Ocean
- Ne-Yo

The different names of which i have chosen could suit to the different audiences who may value and be interested in there type of music increasing the attractiveness and admiration people may take when looking into my magazine. It shall widen my audience and may get people talking widening the potential of it becoming a well recommended and big magazine on the market overall implying that sales would increase and make my magazine as a whole have a positive outcome and do well.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Planning task 3 : Masthead Designs

 In terms of choosing my masthead for my production of my new music magazine, I will want it to attract and appeal to my specific audience being 16- 25 year old's. When creating my front cover, I shall use a bold font to stand out and differentiate from those other magazines which are in competition among mine.

I have chosen the first one as the font which I would like to use for my magazine as it shall boldly grab the attention to a wide range of consumers overall impacting positively when in the production of making my magazine as distributing it could then lead to the success of a positive outcome. this masthead will do the job in being able to attract and appeal to my audience when they are in decision of which or what newspaper they are wanting to pick up in differentiation to all others. 

when creating my front page on my newspaper, i shall also intend adding in hints and dropping ideas through content plugs in trying to impress and want the audience to see my magazine as a more interesting and vibrant magazine. This will be done by the use of a colorful color pallet as well as my images which shall selectively be picked to show specific enhancements featured in and on the front cover of my magazxine.


^ this is the magazine in which i have chosen as i believe it is bold and stands out completely which shall work when trying to attract and appeal to my audience.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Planning Task 1 : magazine title and strapline


after looking bac to my masthead title, I have decided that my magazine shall now be call electric echo is replacement of electro echo.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Research task 9 : Target audience research and analysis

 For my research the task was to be able to interview / ask up to 10 people who fall between the ages range of 16-25 different questions which involve their own ideas and opinions on what they think on music magazines. for example, this gave me an idea as to how I can work on my project to be able to persuade those who were or weren't interested the chance to be exposed to a magazine which shall be full of things in which interest them including the different genres and artists which they enjoy.

Here are a few examples of the results from the research in which I carried out: 

person 1

aged 16


enjoys listening to house music as well as Rn B

do they buy music magazines? - response - no they don't read magazines - as the person creating a magazine to appeal to these young people, I need to feature these certain music genres and involve likely things which people between these ages are in common with liking.

do you visit magazine websites? - response - no as I don't know any websites 

do you go to any festivals/ concerts? - response - yes I currently have 2 upcoming festivals which I am attending this year

where do you find information about music? - response - Tiktok and Instagram - e.g. social media - significant piece f information for me during my planning as I know it is completely vital to me that i need to broaden my readership so promoting my magazine over social media may result in a success of it becoming popular. 

if  a new music magazine was being published, what would convince you to buy it or visit the website? - response- exclusive new music, produce reduction to concerts or festivals.

how much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine? - response - £5

what would encourage you to buy the first edition of the first print magazine? - response - a free copy of the magazine once a year

person 2:

aged 20 


favorite genre of music - pop

do they buy music magazines? - response - the do not buy music magazines however are interested in the fashion magazine being vogue.

do you visit magazine websites? - response - Yes I stay up to date with looking into magazines for my university work.

do you go to any festivals/ concerts? - response - yes for fun and staying social with my friends

where do you find to information about music? - response - social media

if a new magazine was being published, what would make you buy it or visit the website? - response - if it advertised music I liked

how much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? - response - £6

what would encourage you to buy the first edition of the first print magazine? - response - offers

person 3 :

ages 22 


favorite music genre is house

do they buy music magazines? - response - no as there are other forms of media to find out information about new music etc.

do you visit music magazine websites? - response- No didn't know there was magazine websites

do you go to concerts/ festivals - response- Not often usually due to price reasons ; maybe attends once a year

where do you find out information about music? - response - social media

if a new music magazine was being published,  what would make you buy it or visits its website? - if my friends had recommended or it had been talked about

how much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine? - £5 

are there any specific things which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new music magazine? - response -  news and gossip about celebrities

 These results above are just a small overview of a couple of the questions in which i used when asking and interviewing people. I was able to manipulate and identify the key areas from the information  which i must specifically include within my magazine to make it abstract and appealing to my audience which fall between the ages of 16 - 25 years old.

From the research in which I+ carried out, the main genre of music which mainly appeals to my age range given (16-25 years old) is mostly House music as well as Rn B. In my music magazine i will mainly feature these music genres as my focus is to engage and interest. However, i will also offer a small brief overview and touch onto the subject of other music genres as well as gossip within the media that would also interest to my wider readership broadening the extension of information which would be all inclusive to multiple audiences making the magazine become popular and getting the word around about the magazine which i am creating. As well as this, i will also feature well known artists which my audience may see which may influence there decision on wanting to buy my magazine. 

Also from my research, when publishing my first edition i shall provide limited time offers and giving the chance for people to win and enter into competitions to win tickets to upcoming festivals and concerts in the local areas. Actively doing this may influence and persuade my audience as gathered from my research it is clear that adding something like this makes it more enjoyable and exiting to them as the audience/ consumers giving them something to look forward to. 

 Overall after carrying out my investigation, i shall gather the most common answers as well as those which are not so common in order to cater to the variety of people which are within my reach when consuming my piece of media. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

reflection point: what have I learned about independent music magazine websites?

 from the research which I have taken on independent magazine websites, I have learnt that these independent websites, are cool and quirky discovers which amplify the individual work done in order to create and produce this source of media. They often discover new artists and genres that aren't always seen in the mainstream media spotlight. for example, representing and working together with these individual new artists help to support and advertise their own music to persuade and convince the consumers / readers of the magazine to go and listen to their music. 

As well as this, I have also learnt from analyzing magazine websites that they often feature reviews and interviews which gives us an insight into the creative processes of up and coming talents. With this being inside the magazine it helps the consumers gain an overall understanding on what this magazine is going to be about. For example, reading through to see the genres and topics present will help them in order to gain the general knowledge of the glimpse they are exposed with. 

In conclusion to this overall, I have gained the knowledge on the reasons and hints which are present within the magazine which are done with a purpose to get across to their target audience that this magazine will interest them front the different content included.

Planning Task 6: Content Pages

 In my contents pages that shall go along with my main front covers including the exclusives of both Bryson Tiller as well as Hannah Laing w...