In terms of choosing my masthead for my production of my new music magazine, I will want it to attract and appeal to my specific audience being 16- 25 year old's. When creating my front cover, I shall use a bold font to stand out and differentiate from those other magazines which are in competition among mine.
I have chosen the first one as the font which I would like to use for my magazine as it shall boldly grab the attention to a wide range of consumers overall impacting positively when in the production of making my magazine as distributing it could then lead to the success of a positive outcome. this masthead will do the job in being able to attract and appeal to my audience when they are in decision of which or what newspaper they are wanting to pick up in differentiation to all others.
when creating my front page on my newspaper, i shall also intend adding in hints and dropping ideas through content plugs in trying to impress and want the audience to see my magazine as a more interesting and vibrant magazine. This will be done by the use of a colorful color pallet as well as my images which shall selectively be picked to show specific enhancements featured in and on the front cover of my magazxine.
^ this is the magazine in which i have chosen as i believe it is bold and stands out completely which shall work when trying to attract and appeal to my audience.