Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Research task 2 : Independent Music Magazines

 Independent magazines are often passionate projects which are driven by individual or small teams of people wanting to explore more specific interests and ideas which may be overlooked by the mainstream media. These magazines differentiate from a usual magazine as it is a more cool and unique publication operating without a large publishing company in support of them. they are usually known for their creativity and often innovative designs, photography and writing. they tend to usually cover any genres such as, art, music, culture to politics, environment and beyond. 

there are multiple independent magazines however 2 in specific, the wire and R n R , both offer unique perspectives and insights to their targeted audiences into the music world. they cater to different tastes and interests within the real broadened realm of music.


the wire magazine has been around since 1982 meaning it has rich history of covering music that challenges and inspires. It is an example of an independent magazine and is mainly aimed towards their targeted audiences who enjoy the differentiation between newspapers involved in big organizations compared to the more stand-alone ones which is what makes it more of a quirky and different to their consumers giving them a reason to prefer the individual ones as it will be different ideas and genres involved within their magazine. This magazine 'the wire' is for more serious music lovers who may crave and demand something beyond the mainstream. Each issue, is packed with in depth and focused articles portraying interviews from artists who are pushing boundaries and reviews of albums that might not get covered elsewhere. They're also big on global on the global music scene, focusing on music all over the world from plenty of different artists.


similarly to the magazine the wire, the standalone individual magazine R n R is also known for being all about the celebration of music and its many flavors. however, they specifically enjoy focusing on more rock music, catering to their rock enthusiasts. In the magazine you'll find a mix of content that caters to their audience including again interviews with both rockers and up and coming artists. they also provide reviews on albums as well as stories which capture the essence of the rock and roll spirit.
the magazine also explores subgenres within rock. for example, this means whether your into classic rock anthems or the raw sound of garage rock, R N R has got you covered.

Friday, April 19, 2024

research task 1: how has the UK consumer magazine industry evolved?

 Overtime in the UK, there has been a significant decrease in the figures of print magazines and newspapers as the world of digital editions and subscriptions have taken over in our society making up the most parts to cover the drop in sales. Like all publishing sectors, Magazines in particular have been hit harshly due to the sharp fall in the print advertising revenue while digital advertising spend has been monopolized by tech platforms including media such as Instagram and Facebook. While it being a disadvantage to their print revenue in magazines, it is highly beneficial for socials to be able to help reach their targeted audiences based on their ages, interests and behavior etc. From the figures shown, it is clear that print revenues dived during the pandemic. In 2019 statistics show a yearly advertising revenue in print magazines being £390.3 million which dropped significantly a year later in 2020 to £262.5 million. This is a disadvantage with Covid-19 as people became scared and didn't want to go out overall impacting highly on the amount of print which surplus decreased. However, apart from this it then increased the digital usage in magazines making up the revenue lost in the long term decline in print editions.

Set brief


I have been given a set brief for your NEA

My NEA must not reproduce an existing media product.

I must work individually on your NEA but others may act in or appear in the production and/or may operate lighting, sound, recording or other equipment under your direction.

My NEA must only use original footage, images and/or text within your production. You must not use any found images in your NEA production

SET BRIEF : Magazines and online

Requirements of the brief

I will work for an independent media production company. I have been given the task of producing the front cover and contents page of the first two editions of a new music magazine that is being launched by an independent publisher and two pages for the working website for the magazine.

The web pages must promote the new magazine to its target audience and enable fans to interact with the content.

Summary of brief requirements:

• Statement of Intent (approx. 500 words)

• Music magazine covers and contents pages: Two pages for each of the first two editions.

• Magazine distribution method: Content must be suitable for retail distribution.

• Number of web pages: One homepage and one linked page.

• Cross media production target audience: A primarily 16–25 year old middle market audience that likes to be entertained.

There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.

Planning task 3 : Masthead Designs